It may be summertime, but when a lot of people are contemplating vacation destinations, Miranda Lambert says she’s just thinking about home. “I love to just go home,” she says, “’cause I travel for a living.” But for Miranda, home is more than just going to a house because, for this outdoorsy girl, enjoying the fun stuff on her property is a big part of home being her favorite getaway.
- And speaking of home, do you have dead flowers on your property? If not, you certainly need Miranda’s great new song, “Dead Flowers,” on your favorite music-playing device! The digital single is available now…and you can also find it on Miranda’s upcoming third album, Revolution, releasing September 29th!
“My getaway is home. I love to just go home, ’cause I travel for a living. So I love to just be…I have a farm, and I like to be outdoors, fishin’ or on the farm with animals or ridin’ four-wheelers or ridin’ my horse. I’m definitely an outdoors girl. That’s how I spend my downtime.”
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