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Kenny Chesney's “Summer In 3-D” Trailer Debuts Tomorrow
Moviefone, AOL Music & The Boot Go Live @ Noon, PST
Also, will Have The 1st Taste of Kenny in Another Dimension

     Nashville: Having wrapped country music's biggest tour of 2009 in Indianapolis this September, Kenny Chesney takes his high-impact concert experience into another dimension with the April 2010 3-D movie slated for national release via Sony Pictures Entertainment's The Hot Ticket. Fans of the man who's sold in excess of a million tickets each of the past 8 summers - and who played a dozen major stadiums last year - can get their first taste of the up close and right there “Kenny Chesney: Summer in 3-D” at Noon Pacific Time Wednesday November 18th at Moviefone, AOL Music and The Boot.

     “It's amazing to me how intense this footage is,” Chesney says of the film that is now being edited in several cities across the country. “It's me in a way
 I've never seen myself - and I can't wait to share it with my fans. I put all of myself into my shows, a lot of heart and sweat and stuff most people might not think is all that important, but I do… and always have. This film captures every little detail in a way that makes it even more important than I thought it was when we were working on it, and it makes my fans even more in my face than when I'm onstage, which is great!

     “So I am completely thrilled that there's something we're able to give people a taste of the film with. Obviously, it's not 3-D, but it's pretty invested in what Joe Thomas, the director, is trying to help us capture. April is a long way away, and I know I don't want to wait that long to let people get a peak at what we're doing.”

     With no major tour next year for the 4-time and record-holding Country Music Association and 4-consecutive Academy of Country Music Entertainer of the Year, “Kenny Chesney: Summer in 3-D” will be the best way to see the man who makes summer official. Shot over 6 nights in 5 stadiums, the movie celebrates all the fun, moments, memories and friendship that going to a Chesney show is made of - and does so in format that only the Rolling Stones and U2 have so far embraced.

     For the fans at  Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Seattle, Boston and Indianapolis' sold out stadiums shows, they can live those songs again - through the comprehensive coverage of 22 3-D camera rigs, a blimp and several ancillary cameras. To get a sense of what the fuss is all about, one need only hit any of the above mentioned sites - or to get their first peak of what will easily be the most hard-hitting country concert film ever.

     For further information and to purchase tickets for “Kenny Chesney: Summer in 3D,” visit


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