New CD will benefit Wounded Warrior Project
“I am deeply moved by the caregivers who take on the responsibility of caring for our wounded warriors,” said Wynonna. “I appreciate Cracker Barrel for their continued support of Wounded Warrior Project and its mission tohonor and empower wounded warriors as they continue life beyond the injury.”
Beginning today, fans can pre-order the Love Heals CD by visiting the Cracker Barrel website (crackerbarrel.com). The exclusive CD features many of Wynonna’s biggest hits (No One Else On Earth, Only Love and She Is His Only Need) along with three tracks that have not been available for sale, including Let Your Light Shine, a new song never before released.
“We’re very excited to provide our guests with this collection of Wynonna’s most popular songs,” said Peter Keiser, Vice President of Marketing at Cracker Barrel. “Wynonna welcomed the idea of producing a project that would benefit our nation’s service men and women. Her appreciation of veterans is very sincere, and we’re honored to have Wynonna by our side as Cracker Barrel continues its support of Wounded Warrior Project.”
During the pre-order process, fans can also register to win A Weekend with Wynonna in Music City Sweepstakes. The grand prize package includes a trip to Nashville to meet Wynonna and see her perform at the Grand Ole Opry®. The lucky winner will also get to visit many of Nashville’s top attractions. Other prizes including autographed WynonnaLove Heals CDs and complimentary meals at Cracker Barrel. Pre-order and contest information can be found on the Cracker Barrel website (crackerbarrel.com).
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