I've seen it on the NBC logo..seen a lot of peacocks...never seen one do this..spray those feathers out...oh yeah: peacocks fan out their feathers as part of a courtship ritual to attact a mate.I took all these recent animal pictures at the Olympic Animal Farm near Sequim,Washington not far from Seattle

The male (peacock) Indian Peafowl has iridescent blue-green or green colored plumage. The peacock tail ("train") is not the tail quill feathers but the highly elongated upper tail covert feathers. The "eyes" are best seen when the peacock fans its tail. Like a cupped hand behind the ear, the erect tail-fan of the male helps direct sound to the ears.[citation needed] Both species have a crest atop the head. The female (peahen) Indian Peafowl has a mixture of dull green, brown, and grey in her plumage. Although she lacks the long upper tail coverts of the male, she has a crest. The female also displays her plumage to ward off female competition or signal danger to her young.

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